Categories: Wordpress

Newspaper Wordpress Theme

Create a great news website with our newspaper template. This bestseller theme is perfect for blogging and excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It supports videos from YouTube. AMP and mobile ready. GDPR compliant, the theme is fast, simple, and easy to use for a cryptocurrency, fashion, food, lifestyle, modern, personal, travel, luxury, viral, minimal, minimalist projects and more.

The Newspaper template is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It also supports videos from YouTube and features a rating system. So far, we have the theme integrated with bbPress Forum, BuddyPress, Buddy Press, and WooCommerce. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to use. In addition, Newspaper supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense.

This is the bestseller theme of tagDiv Themes and its perfect for blogging and excellent for a news, magazines, newspaper type designs. Also include many more demos of Traveling, Food, Classic, Coffee, Drink, Personal Blogs, Life Styles, Crypto News, Dental Services, Tech Blog Style, Black Editor, Photography, Services site and much more categories.

Download Now Newspaper Theme

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We are not responsible for this theme.


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