Categories: Bank Account

Requirements to open account on Sonali Bank Limited

Sonali Bank Limited is one of the commercial bank in the Bangladesh which is providing the best banking service in the world. People is keeping their money to the bank and taking loan from the bank with the low interest rate. The bank is giving the best deposit plan for the customers. The bank has many branches over the country. Their banking service is the best service for the banking sectors. The bank has got the good feedback on banking service. The bank is giving the different kind of loan every year like home loan/business loan/ car loan/ agriculture loan. The bank is giving the best deposit interest rate on the fixed deposit rate.  It is a one of the great bank which is giving the long term banking service and they have gained the good feedback on banking service.

Personal account

  1. Two copies of passports size photograph.
  2. If you a Bangladeshi employer, which document/id card copy with attachment photo.
  3. A certificate from local chairman /or ward commissioner/ or government organs with the applicants photography.
  4. Voter ID card copies.
  5. The entries document must be verified by the authorized officer of the Bank.
  6. Student ID card copies.
  7. Trade license with the applicants attachment photograph.
  8. The applicants full real information and real photography.
  9. If have any document which photo copies.
  10. Valid driving license copies.
  11. Current valid passport copies.
  12. Armed Forces ID card copies.
  13. Fill up the Sonali Bank Limited bank account opening from rightly. These all information isn’t need for opening bank account. Here some requirement has to be to open bank account.

Proprietorship Account/ Partnership Account

  1. Valid driving license copy.
  2. The full information and all certificates with the verified by the Gazetteer officer.
  3. Valid Trade license copy.
  4. Proprietor passport copy.
  5. Copy of notarize Partnership Deed certified with signature
  6. Registered Partnership Deed.
  7. The Companies and Firms registered certificate two copies.
  8. Current valid passport copy.
  9. The applicants full real information and real photography.
  10. Company seal and Tin Certificate copy.
  11. All partnerships signed with the all document of the partners.
  12. Voter ID card copy.

You have to be followed those requirement to open bank account, and the must need to aware of this about.

Private / Public Limited Company Account

  1. The company’s location document copies.
  2. The company’s original deed copies.
  3. The copies of the article on the purpose of the companies.
  4. The two copies of company registration certificate.
  5. The government valid certificated copies.
  6. Two copies of certified by the Chairman.
  7. Two copies of Secretary certificate of the Company.
  8. All document copies of the companies.
  9. The Certified copy of Registration Certificate.
  10. Attached other ID
  11. The government valid certificated copies.
  12. The shareholder personal information with the all valid and verified by the Gazetteer officer.

Sonali Bank Limited is the Bangladeshi top ranking bank in Bangladesh which is providing the best banking service. And their banking service is good for all customers. You like the bank than, you can open bank account on the bank.


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